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 Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)

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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2015 6:05 am

Sugary would keep his arm extended up until he was sure he was done banishing the likes of Helmsworth for good as his arm pulsed with energy. Even after the defeat of the usurper, he seemed still briefly before he sighed and took a slightly more relaxed posture as he came to terms with what just happened, looking at Fearful's face from under his own helmet. "... Faced one too many ambitious bloodlust foes to my liking... As for the shields, I'd comply, but... At least tell me why you're here now first. If you are who you say you are, did you know she has been worried about you all this time?"
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2015 6:14 am

Fearful sat down on the throne, and nodded quietly. He raised a hand, and the entire castle flashed twice, a great cheer echoing from the entire capital. "That alone proves I am who I am... and yes, I am well aware of what my daughter has suffered."

Sighing, Fearful rested his head on his hand. "Could I turn back the clock... I would. But I can't... And so I can only offer an apology and give her a cuddle. It's her birthday tomorrow, did she tell you that? Give her a present she wouldn't forget I was... A day early shouldn't matter right?"
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2015 8:02 am

Sugary was certainly surprised to see the castle change properties for a moment at Fearful's command, but the real astonishment came with the cheers he heard from outside; They were by no means fake, and neither was the one who seemed well acquainted with the throne.

Giving the King his full attention, Sugary decided to nod and settle the shield down as he moved towards Isabelle while speaking to Fearful softly. "No, she didn't say that... Not sure if she was trying to hide it from me, or just didn't remember it..." With the barrier gone and the gear back in place, he kneeled by her side as he removed his gauntlet and gently stroked her face. "Heh... She wants me to be with her... What she sees in me, I'm not sure, but I'll be by her side. She's certainly earned my affection..." He'd keep stroking her face, hoping she'd return to normal soon.
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 16, 2015 8:40 am

Fearful smiled and watched as Sugary reacted to him manipulating the castle. He was quiet as Sugary moved to his fiancé. "She probably didn't remember... when you're as old as we get, it kind of... blurs together sometimes. We never forget a pony, but we can forget the date pretty easily. As for her love, if she loves you, she loves you Sugary. There is no other reason, nor does she need one."

Isabelle stirred and looked up at Sugary. "Oh hey..." she moaned and rubbed her head. "I had a terrible dream..." she paused and hugged him tightly, shivering. "T- there was a huge spider..."
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Mr. Market
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2015 2:50 am

Sugary smiled and chuckled a bit as Fearful assured him that even a simple reason was an honest reason, and that was good enough for him. It wasn't as if he had reason say no to Isabelle's affections anyway.

As she awoke, he gave her gentle hug in return as he was still wearing his armor, stroking her back with his bare hand. "It's okay... There's no spider here, just you and me... and... someone you need to see..." He urged her to look towards the throne so that she may gaze upon her lost relative once more.
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2015 3:08 am

Isabelle snorted and cuddled into him, before raising an eyebrow and looking past him to the throne. She stared for a moment, before her father waved, a gentle smile on his lips. Her eyes began to tear up and she stood, wobbling, before sprinting past Sugary and wrapping her father on a hug, sobbing gently. Sighing, Fearful smiled and cuddled her back, glad to have his daughter back in his arms.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2015 7:01 am

Sugary smiled at the display before him as he put his gauntlet back on for good measure, though he had expected their reunion to go a bit differently. "It's almost as if they weren't separated that long... Must be a vampire thing then when it comes to time..." Mildly wandering thoughts aside, he looked around to the others in the room with a cautious gaze, not wanting to see any further attempts against the rightful King and Princess.

He didn't dare interrupt their meeting though, giving them the time to catch up with lost time as he went over to the Majordomo and the old guard to relay a concerning thought in their place. "... I don't suppose scrambling to reinforce the castle patrol now is out of the question, is it? What do you think?"
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2015 8:16 am

Fearful and Isabelle continued to cuddle quietly, clearly having a very quiet conversation to each other. They seemed to be in their own little world, so it was best that Sugary didn't disturb them. The old guard, Able, smiled as he watched them, before shaking his head at Sugary's question. "Those flashes served a dual purpose. The ponies know the King is alive, and he would have scanned the building itself. If there are assailants in the castle, they are dead now."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2015 9:06 am

Sugary looked around once more for good measure, and then focused back upon Able. "I see, then..." He looked over to the father and daughter catching up from his position. "... I guess I'll just wait here for now..." And as such he would do, armor and all, patiently waiting on his lover and fiance, and possibly soon to be father-in-law.
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeTue Mar 17, 2015 9:14 am

Time passed quickly for the father and daughter as they talked, but eventually Fearful smiled and kissed her forehead. "Now then sweet... perhaps you should go back to your fiancé. You have my blessing by the way," he grinned and lifted her up, before pointing her in Sugary's direction. As she began to walk off, he picked up the papers and made a few edits before waving Able over.

Isabelle sauntered over to Sugary, wrapping him up in a surprising warm hug. "Dad's alright... I'm so happy right now..."
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Mr. Market
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeWed Mar 18, 2015 7:49 am

Sugary was quite glad to see Isabelle in good spirits again as the uprising was quelled quite abruptly. This time though, he'd actually switch his armor for the clothes he wore when they left home earlier, still smelling lightly of sand and sea as he did, and much more hugable for that matter as he could now return the hug fully as he nuzzled her cheek for comfort while they remained close. "So that really is him, eh? The stallion you've been looking for so long...? You two were talking for quite a while... Is there something we need to prepare for...?" He then quickly considered what had just happened, and decided to kiss her cheek quite lovingly. "Course, I don't mind if we just stay here like this for a while..."
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeThu Mar 19, 2015 8:59 am

She snuggled into his chest, purring as she pressed herself into his warmth. "It really is... he's back and whole and his amazing self. There's nothing we need to prepare for, because I don't even need to fill out those forms out now that he's back." She blushed as he kissed her cheek and nuzzled him again. "Yeah, let's just stay here."
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Mr. Market
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 1:28 am

Sugary was about to ask how Isabelle could stay so jolly after what had happened to her, but decided that she was probably just too happy to care for the downsides and smiled as he kept hugging her. "May as well keep up the good mood then. Heh..."

It was a bit odd for him to do little else but cuddle with her right in the middle of the throne room, but eventually he'd sway lightly with her. Purging a vampire with ill intent was nothing beyond the kind of work he was used to doing, but getting to spend a warm moment with his lover soon after was certainly not common for him, so he just felt like swaying their bodies a bit as he was in a good mood knowing things were alright again...
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 3:23 am

Isabelle murred quietly, and snuggled into him. As he started to sway, she replicated his motion, glad that he was in her arms, and he was safe.

Fearful watched the pair quietly, smilimg as they started to sway together. He stood up from his throne and walked over to Able. "Is it satisfactory?"

"Are you sure sir?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

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Mr. Market
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 4:41 am

Sugary was as content as could be, being every bit as lost in Isabelle's embrace as she was in his. But even he eventually noticed Fearful giving away the papers to Able, and so he began to whisper to her. "Isabelle... I think something is about to happen... Maybe we should go see what your father's up to...?"
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 4:47 am

Isabelle continued to snuggle into him, but eventually her mind registered his question. "Dad?" She mumbled quietly, glancing at him. Stirring from her reverie, she blinked and pulled away reluctantly from his warm embrance before trotting over to him. "What are you two doing?"

Fearful smiled and glanced at Able. "I'm abdicating. I hear Canterlot needs a new Royal Gardener... and I'm too old to rule over a kingdom."
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Mr. Market
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 5:39 am

Sugary stood by Isabelle's side, keeping quiet for a time and listening to the news just revealed to them by the now former King... which made him gently nudge Isabelle with his elbow a he lightheartedly tried to urge her to speak on the matter. "Pssst... Hey... He just said he's not King anymore... Say something, will ya?" He could have been wrong, but he got the strong distinct feeling she was just coming to terms with it all.
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 5:41 am

Isabelle blinked repeatedly, before glancing at him and nodding. "S- so you're stepping down... which makes me... queen. I'm... queen..." Fearful smiled and nodded, kissing her forehead gently. "Yes you are my sweet... now go rule your kingdom."
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Mr. Market
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeFri Mar 20, 2015 6:04 am

Sugary could hardly believe the news himself in all honesty. He knew for sure Isabelle had made a big decision in accepting to come back and act as ruling head in her father's stead, and now he gave her the title on a silver plate at the end of it all.

Again he hugged her, and again he kissed her cheek to get her attention, and try to comfort her. "Isabelle... Honestly, I'm not sure what to say right now. I just know you were signing those papers earlier yourself... Wasn't there something we were gonna do after that?" He then recalled part of that plan included going to a spa. He sincerely doubted that was what they would do right now, but perhaps he was wrong...? In the end, Isabelle now called the shots.
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2015 10:33 am

Isabelle turned to Sugary after his kiss, still digesting her new title. "Those... papers were to make me a regent until her returned... he must have edited them. Yeah... yeah we did have a plan..." she turned back to her father. "What do I have to do as queen?"

"Eh, not much at the moment. uou can relax for the time."

Isabelle nodded. "To the spa then... What about the heart though?"

"It will stay here. This is my castle after all."
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Mr. Market
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSat Mar 21, 2015 10:00 pm

Sugary went doe-eyed briefly as Isabelle actually suggested going to the Spa after all, though he focused upon talk of a certain 'heart'. "... I didn't think you'd actually still wanted to go there... Then again, I can't think of a better place to relax either... I guess we may as well." He chuckled briefly at himself as he realized she was probably onto something, and so he waited on her to lead the way. "Also... What's this about a heart? Is it anything like the one in the Crystal Empire?"
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeSun Mar 22, 2015 9:16 am

"To the spa? Are you kidding? Of course I want to go there," Isabelle said, kissing him gently on the lips. She snorted and shook her head. "There really isn't... and the heart is a little better than the crystal one. It can't spread power like the Empire's... but it makes this castle... impenetrable. And it's not made of crystal either... tis a little more fleshy."
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Mr. Market
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2015 6:10 am

Sugary was caught in mid-nod as Isabelle kissed him, but he still clearly understood what she was telling him. Even the part about the fleshy heart, which gave him light goosebumps at the thought of it. "... Fleshy... heart... Not exactly painting a pretty sight there, are you? But I'll get to see it eventually I'm sure... Now let's get going then, I feel a light kink in my arm after punching one of the rebels."
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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2015 11:01 am

"That's probably because it's not a pretty sight. My heart is in the center of the this castle, which is why I'm so powerful here. I'll take you there eventually..." Fearful shrugged and trotted off, leaving him alone with his fiancé. Isabelle giggled and took his arm, leading him out of the castle. She glanced at the heels the maid had gathered for her, before shrugging, kicking off her ice heels and pulling on the real ones. "Shall we go now~?"
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitimeMon Mar 23, 2015 11:25 pm

There were some things best left unsaid, but Sugary had little choice aside from acknowledging whose heart it was. "Well, there goes that question..." Instead, he would quite eagerly follow Isabelle out of the castle once she had her replacement shoes. "Yeah... Now I got more reasons to set my mind at ease... Which way do we go from here?" He looked around, but he honestly didn''t have the slightest clue of what was where yet.
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PostSubject: Re: Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private)   Ice Fangs, Hot Blood! (Private) - Page 39 Icon_minitime

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