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 In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]

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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 1:20 am

Sugary was not going to indulge Fearful's lewd jest, and just focused on where to hit the creature the hardest, lest his senses had failed and lied to him at such a moment. With the extra energy being given however, he smiled and began a chain reaction of his own when his horn briefly lit up further still, and then the water ahead began to glow very, very brightly from a small location and outwards. "Giga Flare!"

It acted much like Fearful's spell, ignoring the cool water for a pure surge of mana and ether colliding and collapsing into an implosion just under the target location, expanding into a cone and blowing water out of the way when it then exploded upwards violently in a wave release of stored energy.

Control was something Sugary prided himself in, as that granted him power, and he would try to make sure the need to improve the barrier was minimal when the aim for his spell was upwards intentionally; If he had gotten the aim right, the target would either be destroyed, or forced upwards and out of the water harshly through violent kinetic force and raw energy...
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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 1:49 am

Fearful was impressed, blinking at the name of the spell, but shrugging it off as she fed the young stallion enough magic to pull it off without trouble, an internal warning going off, informing her she had roughly a quarter of her full potential left. Shaking it off, she watched with amusement as the spell likely tore through the beast, thrusting it into the air. "Well done... I wonder it is dead yet..."
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Lightning Shield
Lightning Shield

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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeThu Dec 24, 2015 5:08 am

Blade really didn't think he had much left in him and felt ready to drop. He lacked the years of experience of Sugary, the vast magical power of the sisters, or the raw power of the vampony. Yet, it was no excuse to give up. He nodded to Mittere as Sugary basically hit the creature with another attack, possibly matching the scale of Fearful's though way more controlled. He glanced at the creature to see of it was even still standing after such an combination of such powerful attacks.
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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 25, 2015 10:46 am

Though his attempt went contrary to Celestia’s warning, Sugary’s spell, backed up by Fearful’s power she agreed to provide too, enjoyed a large amount of success. Nothing stopped the upward force of the flare and the creature was cruelly incinerated in the explosion, though it was a hard thing to see. Once the effects began to calm, there would be nothing left of the creature, but a strange energy in the water, different and greater than before. Destroying the enemy as thoroughly as he did would ordinarily leave quite the mess, but it seemed that there was nothing in sight.

Celestia wasn't happy about the result instinctually. It wasn't a pretty thought to think that something that had been there was no longer, but destruction was the goal, so they were safe. It was also not as though either of the two that had finished things were new to killing, so it was really a guiltless murder.  

Mittere frowned at the odd team. They were still perfectly adequate to get the job done, but she wasn’t even asked to take part! That was the insulting detail. While everypony else did what they did, she was the first to be begin examining what was left behind....and found out how unstable the energy within the water was becoming.  She saw which way the winds were going to blow and took charge over the defensive, not that she was too good at that. Settling for the best defence, which was more of her style. Since the lingering energy was getting more and more excited, she began to freeze the area and the water, as she initially thought the vampires plan was going to be. Frost formed on the now still water closest to them  and she challenged herself to spread it deeper into the room they had fled from. Fearful's power would have been more useful for this, but Mittere kept the energy from getting too excited while Luna got a clue about what situation they were dealing with the energy in the air.  Her horn gave a glow as she played with it, experimenting and probing.
“That is a great deal of energy it has left behind....It is still leaking out from its core. We could have been met with a much greater set back if it had applied itself,” the princess concluded. "It may also explode if we do not do something with it soon."

“So you are saying we get a reward?” Mittere asked happily, already willing to explain in the case of any confusion. “It would be rather easy for to segment that power, and then absorb it into our own. Having more power to call from is not a bad thing, and is a prize fitting for having come through this experience.”

Celestia looked troubled for a moment, but nodded her agreement after overcoming her initial reluctance. ”Using this power, it would make it easier to protect Equestria going into the future. Things will not return to normal right away, we need to present a strong front in testing times. Coming back into the public eye with the situation resolved and looking better than before. Me and my sister would get the most use out of -”

“It does not matter!” Mittere proclaimed in objection. “What satisfies your needs or your nation’s in the short term does not change the fact everypony contributed. You can argue to what degree, but we are all present so we all deserve something.” If Mittere were to list things which triggered her, one of them would definitely be Equestrian ethnocentrism. She was also not a fan of how Celestia seemed to get everything she wanted, and now that she had the ability to stop she planned not on letting it happen.

“This stuff,” Diurnae said. He knew the correct magical term for the energy, and so did likely a few others, but he hadn’t the need to show off. “It came from a world eater or something, right? Are you alright with using that? It could be dangerous, and it certainly does not belong.”  

“The evil escapes me in making sure those which have perished before can have their essence put to use. It is already far too late that leaving it alone would be an act of respect,” Luna said

“We still shouldn’t even touch it. We should heal the worst of our injuries, relieve our fatigue and then leave it sealed here. Our way down was already wooded, but if we let is slowly diffuse we may get a great magical forest. A tree for every lost soul.” His own spirituality had nothing to do with it, but it gave his words a little more power.

“I can get rid off it. No one would get to have it.” Now it was safe, Navi had climbed Fearful’s mane for some extra height to meet with the groups eyes. “No one would be able to get it on purpose or by accident. I’d be the only proof it ever existed.” It wasn’t as though she was going to get listened too anyway, despite her attempts to be loud.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeFri Dec 25, 2015 1:26 pm

Sugary kept very expectant for more of a struggle with how tough most other creatures and traps had been, and though he was quite tired, he couldn't let his guard down nor hesitate. Then, he saw the odd unstable energy left behind. He was a bit too tired to do much about it, but Summer had the right idea so far it seemed, but something still bothered him. "... Did we really beat it...? But this energy... Could this be the true form, or...?"

He began to listen to the others argue and discuss about what to do with the energy left behind, and each seemed to be justified in a way, but he thought to try and consult with one who may or may not still be among them as he looked to the frozen latent energy in the water while he could. "... Phantom, you still there...? Was this the right thing to do...? What is all this energy?"

While waiting for a hopefully enlightening answer from the voice in his head, he was currently ignoring the diminutive monster on Fearful's head. He hoped he did not have to remind anyone about how said creature boasted earlier about wanting to take over the world and attacked them when it was larger regardless of whether it was working for another or not.

That still gave him something else to think on as he slowly began to step back towards Summer, removing his helmet and nuzzling her when he was close enough out of gratitude, and to try to keep one of the three elders calmer still during an obviously important discussion. "Thanks for containing that... By the way, I'm with Diurnae on this. Need I remind the lot of you of all the trouble we've been through just to get here? Even if this... thing was what we had to deal with all along, there were traps, there were monsters, and many back in Equestria suffered for it... It might not even provide anything significant, so why bother risking it? Please, I'm all for looting spoils, don't get greedy now with... whatever that thing left behind."
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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 12:49 am

Fearful studied the magic that resides inside the water, and sighed. She had learned to look passed the mere physical millenia ago, the aura's that everypony emitted swirling and mixing with her own in the air around them. She smiled as part of Luna mixed with her own, before she returned to the rainbow of colours that swirled in the water, just waiting to be released. "I'm afraid that simply leaving it here is not an option. Well, I mean, not unless you wish to only half a planet. Then we can leave it alone."

She shrugged and looked at Navi, before sighing. "Destroying it is not entirely necessary. I could just guide you to destroy the volatile chunks of magic... though destroying the entire thing would be the most efficient." She glanced at Sugary, his gentle aura intertwining with Miterre's, as she waited for the ponies' reactions to her statement.
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Lightning Shield
Lightning Shield

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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSat Dec 26, 2015 9:51 pm

Blade let his barrier come back to him and sighed as everyone started to talk about what to do with the power. "I'm honestly with Sugary though for different reasons in all honesty. It might have been a world eater, but that was its choice, not its power's choice." He then glanced over to Navi. "And I really don't trust you enough to guard this power." He then turned to the rest of the group. "The only issue I really see with it is that we have no need for it in all honesty. The power is either too much to contain without it becoming more of an hindrance than a help. And after this trip, I really don't trust anyone in our group to control this power properly." He grimaced as he looked at the Royal Sisters, feeling as if he had betrayed them by not agreeing them. Yet, both had made mistakes in the far and recent past, more power would only increase the chance for them. "I will suggest that we take some tidbits in order to make sure we can get out of here and back home. As for the rest, we destroy it."
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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 4:05 pm

“I can only comment on appearances, but that would seem to be it,”  Sugary's phantom commented. “No traps, but there is still danger. Whatever happens now, you can do it knowing you saved many future lives.”

“That would be wasteful,” Mittere restated her position. She also refused to calmed by the annoyance of Sugary rubbing himself on her. Hadn't he already done of of the for the day?! She pulled away and gave him a glare. He even refused to side with her. Her closest ally was Celestia in this situation, but that wasn't what really bothered her. She wanted something and ponies weren't letting her! She was planning on sharing and everything! They were all so unreasonable! “Even a coward like Celestia is brave enough to take such a grand opportunity that has fallen into our grasp.” She couldn't understand if Fearful was with or against them, since her conversation with Navi was limited to the topic of making it safe. Still, she refused to be calm about things.

Celestia did not hold Mittere’s conviction to the idea, but remained firm on the fact it should be used, not destroyed or sealed away. “It is of too great a value to destroy when it can be used. You can stabilize the energy Fearful? Then the only risk is in how we use it.” The princess ignored Blade's look. Cutting out criticism was sometimes necessary. “Or not, but that's not an action I can stand behind. If you believe it to be too risky then I shall evacuate you, but if I don't become stronger, then I am letting many ponies down. My subjects have had to suffer because of my inability. If my sister and I could have faced the threat as we had known of it, there would not have been as much hardship.” She was convincing herself that everypony that disagreed with her was wrong, and became a more resolute from it. “Nopony aside from my sister and I need this for our kingdom. This is not a matter up for vote. Resisting is treason...so just don't.” She stood between the group and the frozen water and lit her horn facing them.
“Since it can be made safe, what do you plan to do, Fearful?” Luna looked at Fearful slightly pleadingly. Her eyes communicated that Celestia was serious, even if she didn't want to and didn't plan to hurt anypony, she'd remove them.

Navi was annoyed at the lack of trust she could court from the stallions. “I think you don't understand what I'm saying! I know how to get rid of it, and I'm on this half of the planet too!” She didn’t understand why it was so hard to trust her. It wasn’t as though she could enact an evil plan, even if that was what she wanted to do.

Diurnae was confident he had enough of the group behind him to go ahead, but a larger white pony was blocking him. “I think we can all agree on making things safe first…” the stallion said. “Is everypony alright with me doing that first, so we can talk a little more calmly, without a timer over our heads?”
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSun Dec 27, 2015 10:02 pm

Sugary thought that Summer was being rather brash in what she was wanting along with Celestia and Luna, and though she could still want to lay claim to the energy left behind, he returned her gaze with his own stoic gaze and a soft smile, though his tone was louder in general as he shared his thoughts with the rest once more. "The little voice in my head said there may be no more traps, but we're still in danger. Again, I would remind you all, that coming here was not without risks. If you can be certain that you can put that energy to good use, then be my guest. Frankly, I'd prefer we don't take any of it and disperse it, lest something did go wrong at the last minute: Such as a sudden loss of strength!" He raised a brow at Summer, and then looked to Luna. "Or loss of control!" He then looked to Celestia. "Or being forced to live through another vision of reality!" And then he set his eyes upon Summer again. "But you're all so sure of yourselves that nothing else will go wrong, then ignore my caution to quit while we might be ahead." He really really did not want any last minute surprises for anyone in the room, and was already contemplating getting rid of the temptation himself.
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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeMon Dec 28, 2015 2:12 am

"Power is, for most, a corrupting influnce. Even I am not free from its call. It is an addictive, manipulative force... and the power before us... it is beyond just... beyond just substantial. What do you need the piwer for Celestia? The true answer is you don't. There is nothing more that this power can give to you beyond what you are already capable."

She smiled and raised an eyebrow. "Treason? Against you? I think not. Perhaps if your father sought this power, but he is not here at the moment, so there is no treason to be had. It is too tempting a prize to leave sealed away, and there is not a single pony here who could benefit from it. Therefore, it's destruction is the logical course of action. Navi," the mare looked to the tiny creature of her shoulder. "How do we purge this?" She asked, creating a shield of clear, unbreakable ice between the rest of the group and the power, leaving her facing it alone.
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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2015 10:21 am

Mittere knew exactly what kind of trick Sugary was going to pull. Words were not really going to be much of a deterrent to her at this point, as she had her thoughts firmly set as to the path she wanted, and was going to go down that tunnel until its end. “We need this power because there are worse things in the world that have more. Some worse than you,” she added to Celestia.  

As Fearful acted to deal with affairs by herself, Mittere was not going to allow it. She was also not going to waste time attacking the the ice. “I will get us though.I believe there was another who treated the world like it was their own to play with. You and your sister put and end to that delusion the tale goes. I think she is simply scared of having an equal. Show her that happened a long time ago.” Mittere didn't make weak enemies, so she was confident she could prevail over Fearful. “Just look back to the Lovec incident and you will have a solid plan.” She wasn't going to repeat herself more clearly for that mare if she didn't understand or hear. Mittere just ;et her horn light, ready to give Celestia a path across the glass like a bridge over water. She cast a Celestia size interaction through time, allowing the the princess to pass through like she would have been able to walk before the ice barrier's construction. Once the princess was through, Mittere let it lapse, and traced along the ice with a hoof, testing it as she readied for what might come.    

“We do not speak of, or about, him…” Celestia said with some venom. She was poor at hiding how hurt she was by having the comparison be made, and having Fearful go against her. This was the exact thing she wanted the power for, to be able to prevent. “Fearful…” Celestia said in a motherly tone. “Is there something you said that you would like to apologise for? I am not angry that you acted against me, but I would like it if you would respect my desire to stop you instead of moving to act on your own. The only way I can think to force your respect is through force, so fight me Fearful.” She made her intentions clear, and if Fearful still wouldn't respect her, she would repeat herself in warning then attack. Her face seemed so mortal with a conflict of emotions running through it. “I'm not a little filly anymore.”

“I can do it,” Navi said. “It'll take a little time for the danger to be removed, then it's all yours to, do whatever you were gonna do to finish it.” Celestia’s challenge then came through, which caused her some pause. “Shall I start or not?” She needed to know before she went ahead. “And if you're going to be fighting, can you set me down?!” She just wanted to not explode, she didn’t care about any fighting. The whole group was crazy and had issues, she was just plain normal evil and the group was all kinds of wierd to her.

Diurnae rallied the other stallions. He stomped the ground to try to get them to wake up to the situation that was unfolding, and how they were being ignored. “What are we going to do about this?! We can’t just let all these old mares fight it out, not at a crucial moment like this. Sugary, Blade, we’re not just gonna let this happen, right? If they underestimate us, they’ll be surprised. Do you have enough energy to defend your pride left?” The stallion himself was gresh enough. he haddn't needed to react the spell, and the excitement of the adventure kept him tingling and bouncy.

“They both seem to want it…” Luna commented. She found it hard to be able to pick a side. In fact, she was making the decision to not get involved. She just wished to be back home where they were not at each other's throats. It wasn't worth getting their way if it caused this much division. Didn't Fearful trust her sister, or was she just that scared of the energy? Maybe, and it was a touching thought that made her open her mouth and almost say something, Fearful didn't want her getting stronger than her. She liked that reason, and hoped it was true.
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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2015 10:39 am

"Ah, I see. I am the villain then? The big," she turned, placing Navi on the ground before walking back through the ice. "Bad vampire who wants to stop the dear, calming Princess from having power, so she can't compete with new threats. Or me apparently. Are you challenging me to a duel? Because if you are, then I accept. One week from today, midnight. My castle in the Isle of Darkness. If I defeat you... you meet with your father. And you talk things out."

Looking at Miterre, she shook her head. "My equal? My dear, you surpassed me the moment you were born. I may have power, but that is all I have you foolish mare. I do not fear you gaining the power because you will pose a threat to me. I am afraid for you... that the power would go to your head."

She turned back to Navi. "Eliminate the parts that would cause a detonation. And nothing else."
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeWed Dec 30, 2015 9:36 pm

Deep down, Sugary understood Summer and the other alicorns, but it wasn't them he didn't trust, it was the unknown energy left behind, and the imbalance it was already having on the group as there were mixed feelings. He would have to make his stand as well, but was more inclined to support Diurnae and Fearful. "Sorry, Madam. Nothing personal, I just can't let this thing ruin what we have at the last minute."

He sighed given the circumstances, and made his own approach as he cast another spell with his remaining magic, straining a bit with how much he had expended, letting the soil drag him beneath it... and then raising him in front of Navi surrounded by a light barrier as he had passed under the wall of ice, leaving a trace spell behind to echo the voices on both sides to each other. "Will you two cut it out!? It's a pathetic sight seeing elders fight over POWER of all things! We all made it this far, none of us NEEDS any of this! And you!" He looked down upon Navi. "So help me if you do anything that isn't helping to get rid of that thing..." He really didn't like where things were going, but something had to be done and fast. "Phantom... I still don't trust you entirely myself... I don't know why you stayed with me so long... But if you're anything like Summer, guide me to make sure she doesn't end up taking that energy. I lost good companions to power, I refuse to let it happen again..."
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Lightning Shield
Lightning Shield

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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 02, 2016 6:56 am

Blade was caught in shock ever since his Princess spoke of treason. The thought of being convicted of such a crime shook him to the core. Yet, things continued to spiral out of control. The threat's to Celestia and Fearful made him instantly light up his horn and focus his magical energy there. Diurnae would get a small glance from Blade, feeling the comment was needed. He himself was running on low and doubted he could fair well just against another guard, but everyone else in the room was far above that level. He then saw Sugary move and followed suit, but breaking away as he continued in his rant in order to face Celestia by coming to her side or in front of her. "Please, don't do this Princess. This power isn't worth it, we already have many strong ponies in Equestria and many items to help stop threats. Yet, this is only the start of what we have. There are so many other ways for Equestria to defend itself and you don't need this power." His gaze was solely focused on Princess Celestia's eye and internally begged she would listen.
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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 02, 2016 6:47 pm

Celestia shook her head. “No. Right. Now. In a week, what you are keeping me from will be gone. You’re  being needlessly difficult Fearful...What is it that makes you feel the need?” The princess treaded at the ground with a hoof, showing how she felt the tension and how it might erupt. She chose the ignore the mention of her father this time, allowing herself to be distracted by Blade. “We need all of the scraps we can gather. If I let this go, then something happens, it will be my fault. And before you try and make the argument, I'm not deluded into thinking that I can do everything by myself. I’m not…” The princess echoed.

“Power lets you make what you believe a reality. How could you ever paint that as a bad thing?” Mittere seemed almost shocked that Fearful would make a statement. “Yes, all you have is a princess for a bride, a kingdom, and a vast amount of power. You so pitiable.” it was clear that she meant the exact opposite. “Though the only two observations I can make from you is that power carries with it self-loathing. The power must also have gotten to your own head if you think you hold some kind of right to stop me or Celestia, even if you can. Do you think it is the power that made you the monster you so angst about being, not some inherent flaw of yours? Or maybe you’re projecting that flaw onto a more capable mare?“ Celestia looked at Mittere as she spoke hurtfully about Fearful. She didn’t like that approach, even if they were wanting of the same thing.

Sugary taking a side that wasn't hers was most disappointing, and unexpected after how supportive he has been. “Mr Market, you are a mercenary. Using an enemy's strength against them in later battles is a practice as old as combat. There is no heroism that lies in needlessly sabotaging oneself. Energy is energy, it cannot be evil. We just need everypony to put a stop to their silliness and then we can all go home,” Mittere said to Sugary, like with Fearful, wanting to stop his rogue actions.

“I was here to make sure you got through. My job is already done, and I shall leave you when you leave here. I am not an oracle, I just have experiance, though not this far. I am aware of what it will take to make it safe. Why do you refuse to trust the only one who can do such a thing? They've been granted gifts from it. I will say unless you are callously harsh you may not even get through to the mares without force, and I think you have had enough of that,” Sugary’s phantom said to him, sighing at the situation he was in and how little help she could be, as well as her pending non-existence. “It may be strange to ask, but say goodbye to me before you leave, please?”  .

Navi just shut out all of the ponies with their raised voices and commotion and focused on the not exploding thing. She sat on the floor and closed her eyes, even as she was criticised. Working with the frozen water it began to stir, giving off a hiss as it seethed with energy. That would probably draw her a look, but she didn't care. The energy in the room would soon lower, turning from high grade could cause an explosion any minute to calmer low grade that would need to be focused again to be of use. She opened one eye to give Sugary a glare for how untrusting the stallion was of her.

“F-R-I-E-N-D! Please will you all listen to me!” Luna said loudly. There was clearly an unhappy look on her face. “F-R-I-E-N-D! All this fighting is hurting me!
Where did the team spirit go?!
That allowed us to reach our goal?!
This is not the way it’s meant to be!
Let’s just talk, no actions please!
F-R-I-E-N-D! I need all of you to see,
reason please just listen to me!”  She was trying awfully hard to show her desperation at the situation, and if she didn’t get attention, she had another more powerful verse ready.
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Mr. Market
Mr. Market

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In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Empty
PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 02, 2016 9:01 pm

(("Before Dawn."))

Despite appearances, Sugary was not there to fight. He merely opposed the decision to take something so unknown so casually; So it made his heart sink as he looked around, old acquaintances arguing, family and guards disagreeing with their elders, and Luna giving the most pitiful cheer he had ever seen. The fact Summer might also be gone for good seemed to weight on his mind a bit, and he most certainly was not looking forward to the same happening to the real one.

Still keeping an eye on Navi, he kept an ear towards Summer in regards to her words on power. He smiled weakly, raising his voice for all to hear. "... Power lets you make what you believe a reality... And just what exactly did we accomplish here so far? Is all of this just fiction? A mere stage full of actors in a play? If we are truly lacking in power, then perhaps everyone should consider just how exactly we got to this point. Because this all feels pretty real to me, and our success so far makes me feel powerful..." He then looked at Summer in particular for a moment. "Or do you believe you're weak, needing power as much as the royal sisters claim they do?" If there was one thing he learned about Summer, is that she did not like associating herself with the siblings. He hoped that would get to her as he thought to himself. "Phantom, I'll be sure to say my farewells, but not until I make sure everyone here is absolutely clear on what they desire, without doubts and regrets."
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Lightning Shield
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PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSat Jan 02, 2016 11:19 pm

Blade shakes his head at his Princess and while he listened to Mittere, whose words made him want to simply smack her, and then Sugary, who he couldn't help, but to agree though it did feel like he was missing something.

"Yes, none of us would have been able to get here on own and most likely not without everyone here. Princess Celestia, Luna, you both know this better than anyone. You both were the ones who stopped both Sombra and Discord during the the early years of Equestria. Now we have six mares and their friends that have constantly fought in order to save this great nation multiple times and without fail, none of them needing this power. Yet, they have been the only ones for too long. We have placed our hopes in you Princess and we have become weak because of it.

I know you see the same thing, you have kept secrets from everyone for at least 1,000 years and trusted no one with your secrets. This monster was dealt with only a few of the special individuals in Equestria, isn't that enough proof to show that we already have enough power to face off against any threat? We ponies have learned and relearned that working together is our only way in surviving with no one being useless. That we can do anything if we simply work together. Teamwork is a simple stone skips away from friendship and last time I heard 'Friend is Magic'." He smiled weakly at the quote he remembered hearing long ago and hoping that his words would connect with his Princess.
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PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 03, 2016 6:12 am

"Now? You wish to go against every convention of a duel and face me here and now? Fine. I will show you that you do not need this power, seeing as you will not listen to reason," the elder vampire looked at Luna and sighed. "I do not wish to fight Luna, not anymore. But your dear sister, my calming influence, has abandoned logic."

Fearful ignored Miterre's prattle as she faced off against Celestia, the Armour of the Night flowing off of her body, leaving her naked. "Let us begin. I will show you the foolishness in your ways."
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PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 03, 2016 1:33 pm

Blade stepped forward. "No, I'll fight you instead." He said plainly, suppressing his inner rage that he was feeling. The Princess still hadn't given her response, but yet the vampony was still going to push the fight? Why couldn't she simply wait just five seconds? He had enough of Fearful simply demanding things and his tolerance for her wild behavior was gone. Right now, he had to show the vampony her place. The only issue was that he had very little magic left, meaning the fight would need to end quickly if he were to win. At any request or demand for him to stand down he simply said, "Let me prove my own point unless she stands down." The she being Fearful of course.

Then, he let his magic cover up his body with a thin layer of magic though it shined like normal.
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PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeSun Jan 03, 2016 7:56 pm

The fact Fearful ignored her obviously meant that she had won and the mare was being awkwardly stubborn in trying to teach some kind of lesson. Mittere hated all of her teachers, so that when yet another refused to listen to the truth as it was. They'd both won.  “I surpassed their level long ago, but water that does not flow grows stagnant. Water that persists will weather its way through all. Why would I refuse a great flood that works in my favour. Do I need to repeat my stance on traps once again?” Mittere was annoyed that Sugary would make such a comparison. She had originally set out for Celestia, but after all that had happened, it wasn’t too big a deal anymore. She didn't really like her that much more, but what she wanted to get and that she got it mattered far more. “But if everypony is too scared to take risks, I will not make them agitate their cowardice. Pantheons will just have to wait a little more before they can add me to their circle.”

Celestia found the young guard’s speech interesting, enough that she had to respond. It was more compelling than Fearful trying to seize matters for herself.  “Equestria is at its strongest now only after much struggle allowed heroes to arise. The power won't see use in the present, There need be only one threat that wins one victory over Equestria and it may all come down. If I make the wrong choice...second chances against cruel enemies are scarce, and I can’t be the one who let’s Equestria fall. It’s not mine to give up. How does it harm any of you?”  The fact that Blade had now taken to wanting to defend her regardless, had changed everything. It was the little nudge that was needed to push her back from the edge enough to realise what she was doing. She was willing to let Blade fight battles for Equestria with her, but she couldn’t involve him in a personal matter. The mare understood why Luna refused to support her for that reason. She knew she was being unprofessional…She spoke to Fearful. “Fine then. We shall stick to the original scheduling. I'm making this about feelings and fears instead of facts. I apologise, and am willing to accept you didn't mean the soft points that you struck.” And then to the guard. “I am sorry, Blade, but this is not something you should fight. Please go and comfort my sister if you wish to be of aid.”

Luna was not too in need of aid. She was still sad, but she had moved towards Fearful, without armour it was easier to softly wrap a leg around her. “If you don't want to, then don't. Both of you. You'll hurt those that want none of this…”

Navi was rather bored. She'd done what she had been told, and didn't really have any investment in the argument. She would have liked to take it for herself, and she'd rather rule a world than destroy it. With everypony else distracted to a reasonable degree, the monster slowly started to siphon some of the energy for herself. Clandestinely scraping up the bits of her boss that she could. Some of the frost disappeared from the water, but that was the only visual sign.
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 04, 2016 10:18 pm

Sugary was starting to see things calm down a little bit as little more than arguments were going on that were slowly coming to terms. That also left him with some choice words as he kept talking once he got the chance with a cocked brow. "Madam, Celestia, Luna... With all due respect, if you want someone to appreciate more what you can do, then I'll be the one to do it. Have some of you not managed to move the sun and moon? Did you not share your wisdom with your people for centuries too? I'd say you got a lot of power as is!" He then smiled a little bit more at Summer. "And Madam, I'll help you get stronger after all this. I'll do everything I can to keep your mind, body, and soul sharp if you let me." And he meant it; Even if it seemed token by comparison to the energy nearby, he meant to be a good supportive mate still in the future.

He then twitched and loomed over Navi, snorting lightly with deadpan puzzlement. "... Hey... What are you doing now?"
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PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 07, 2016 6:17 am

Fearful's ear twitched and Navi would find herself dragged away from the magic and over to a safe corner of the room, or under Sugary, which ever was easier. She let out a tiny squeak of surprise and happiness as Luna's aura wrapped around hers, before her physical limb copied it, and her wing opened up to pull her into a hug on instinct. "If... if you desire the power that much Celestia, then you can have it. Our duel will go ahead regardless, but you can take it now. And Navi, you can spit out the little bits of power you... borrowed, thank you kindly," she said, before nuzzling Luna.
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PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeThu Jan 07, 2016 10:29 am

Luna was glad things calmed a little after her  involvement. Fearful nuzzling her was a good sign that there was not going to be a fight, at least this evening. The mare used a spot of magic to flick Fearful's nose. “Don't do something like that again!” She said, still in distress. “And you surely cannot expect my sister to fight you there…” She still hugged him tightly, even though she wasn’t pleased with Fearful, but things had turned out fine, and her sister would be getting the same talking to at some later point when she wasn’t running off with her abusive playmate. "The two of you are meant to be friends, that is just evil." She meant a very minor kind of evil, but it was still true.

“Mr Market…You misunderstand the cause of my grievance. The love of one particular pony is the only remedy to that, your words are kind, but I’m afraid they don’t change some feelings.” Celestia remained still for a moment, expecting there to be a but somewhere in Fearful allowing her to go. With Luna wrapped around her though, it didn't seem likely she had thought of some trap. She moved closer to the energy, and now it was there, there was a real moment of hesitation. She raised a leg to step forward, but placed it down very slowly. She needed to stall until she felt better up to it. Mittere wanted this too, right?

Mittere couldn't ĺaugh at Sugary’s offer, it was earnest, even if it was all stuff she intended to poke the stallion for at some point. That meant he really had nothing to offer. “Sugary, I intend to do this, but your fear of a lust of power if unfounded. Simply call it trading up…Celestia.” The princess was removed from her daze at the mention of her name be the mare. Mittere had her horn lit. She moved closer to Celestia than she needed to, but it made things easier after a tiring day. With a few neck straining movements, and a soft white glow momentarily from their eyes, it was done.  “Keep it,” she said. “I could you feel you all over it the whole time. I am glad to be rid of it. Your method is as though you have forgotten all that was taught.”

“You are sure you do not wish to-?”  Celestia didn't make it very far into her reply.

“Did you not read the letter I sent you?” The mare was annoyed that the time she had taken was in vain. She thought it was a great idea to inform her, and the perfect messenger had fallen into her lap. Finding that was for nothing was an annoying experience.  

“The….document I received from you was a trouble to comprehend. It was both verbose and illegible, I'm sorry to say.”  

“I wanted it all, or I wanted nothing,” she summarised, letting what Celestia said slide. She didn’t mean it to be offensive, she never meant all of the things that made her annoying.. “And I wanted you gone or seen as unfit to rule. This in front of us, changes all that I wanted out of today. Shall we make this fair competition, instead of agreement as to who gets what?”

“if that makes is what would make you happy.” Celestia did not feel as competitive as Mittere. She was going to stop trying after she had her fill, but that would likely anger the mare. “Navi? Can you place a division marker in the power?”

Navi wasn't exactly sure why she was being thanked. She didn't want to do it. She'd been caught forcibly pulled away, then ordered to let go of the power we was grasping at she muttered something about stupid paranoia. The little monster ignored Sugary and let the power back into the pool. She was in a foul mood having missed her chance. This also meant she didn’t comply with Celestia’s request, she had no reason to. If she couldn't have it then it may as well be destroyed,but she didn't have any input on that decision.

“Blade made an excellent suggestion!” Diurnae said. “Just take a little bit, both of you. We’re letting this happen out of trust, so moderate yourselves.”
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Mr. Market
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PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeFri Jan 08, 2016 5:32 pm

As Celestia and Summer passed him by, Sugary did nothing to stop them as he never intended to use force to sway their decision. He merely turned around, cautious of Navi, and stared and listened to the elder mares. He also didn't really pay much attention to further suggestions, as he was well and truly convinced in his own thoughts. He sounded tired, and looked tired as well, still hoping they would both just let it go. "... Madam, Celestia, do not misunderstand my intentions. I would think you both to know full well to take responsibility for your actions, and I can understand if you still choose to ignore me. Just remember: Some way, somehow, it was easier to deal with that so-called monster that held such greater power, than it was to deal with our little prisoner here." He pointed to Navi. "... I want to trust whatever decisions you make, but this has and continues to smell like a trap to me. I hope you understand my reasoning for this."
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PostSubject: Re: In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded]   In The Kingdom Of Hope [Concluded] - Page 33 Icon_minitimeMon Jan 11, 2016 10:24 pm

Fearful smiled and continied to press herself against Luna's warm body, enjoying the gentle heat she radiated before nodding gently and kissing her softly. "Alright. Celestia, I won't try to stop you, or you Mittere, but you should know that the power is temporary at best. You'll get used to that enhanced level of power, and then it will be gone. And you'll want it back. And you will do... anything to get it back. Just a thought," she said, before returning her gaze to the mare wrapped in her alabaster wing and sighed contently.
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